Wednesday, December 24, 2008

BBC's Apartheid against India

BBC's Apartheid against India

When Jihadi's striked London, so called giant in world  media  BBC  aptly put it as Terrorist attack  but when the  same  Jihadi's  hit Mumbai  the  doublestandards  in reporting were quite  visible  - The Terrorist nomenclature got  quickly  changed  to GUNMEN!

Gunman!! Like a lone gunman gone bereserk in a college campus?

Apartheid? Double standards? Or double standards powered by apartheid?


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Loveable like Krishna- My Lali

Loveable like Krishna- My Lali

Krishna, specially Baby Krishna is our most leveable and huggable divine figure. His acts are described in detail in Shri Bhagvatam. It tells how the Baby caught his foot and licked the big toe.

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When a few months old, babies tend to pull a foot and suck the big toe. Almost all babies do it. My g'daughter too does it, only it has been hard to capture the scene. She would do it when camera is nowhere near her. If you bring the camera, then she would leave the foot and smile and grin at me.

But this once I was lucky and captured her in the act.

lali foot in mouth