Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A good, strong lie- Hindu bible.

Apropos Who was he?
I expected at least a few to crack it. Why is that almost nobody cracked it? Nobody could connect a woman in sari and bindi to connect her to Mary. How could they?? Such a huge LIE was not expected to be seen through by an ordinary man.
A LINK. There are many others, including pope's comments.
A new Indian version of the Bible recently, published by the Catholic Church, has run into controversy over its inclusion of verses from the Bhagavad Gita, a form of Hindu chant, and references to the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
An illustration in the new version, New Community Bible, depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as poor Indian villagers. Mary wears a simple sari and has a bindi on her forehead alongside Joseph in a turban and loincloth.
According to the 30 Indian biblical scholars who worked for more than 15 years on the new edition, the Bible draws on "the rich cultural and religious heritage of India."
Although approved by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India and published by the Society of St. Paul, the Bible met the disapproval of Protestants and other Christian groups, who believe it diverts from biblical truth.
Oswald Gracias, the Catholic Archbishop of Bombay, defended the Bible edition, saying, "I am sure this Bible, made in India and for Indians, will bring the word of God closer to millions of our people, not only Christians."
RCS: Through LIES and decptions!! hoho. Whom is he fooling? Hindus? Their is a Hindu reaction too. My remars appear in that link. Reproduced, enlarged now.
Where is Catholicism heading?

Clearly downhill. Anyone can see it. Xianity is losing adherents in the west. India has about 1.20 billion non xians. They must be converted by hook or by crook. Hence this abomination of a book.

Joseph in Indian dress?

Then who was Joseph? An Indian. A Hindu or a Buddhist, there being no Jews in India 2000 years ago.

Where was Jesus born? Of course India. His parents are in Hindu dress, are they not?
Why did they flee to Egypt?
Of course they were flying from persecution of Hindus, their ruler Hriday.
Why was Hriday after them?
Dude, he wanted to kill the baby.

Then where was Jesus killed on the cross? India, of course.

Who killed Jesus? Hindus, of course.

These are conclusions hat Hindus are drawing. An attempt to malign Hindus is apparent.
But one thing is sure. Xianity can be explained only through Hinduism.

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